Friday, July 19, 2013

The Big Switcheroo

As day one of the Merrow's excellent adventure comes to a close, I'm happy to report that each of us has remarkably come to rest in our expected spot.

Arthur began his day in a parking lot in Council Bluffs, Iowa, where a taxi came to the camper door at 5 AM to take him to the nearby Omaha airport.

Soon thereafter, a dear friend of mine came to our house in Connecticut to drive me to the Saybrook train station , and almost simultaneously, Annie found her carpool in a Ford Focus with three others and their bikes for the trek from Fort Collins, CO to Council Bluffs, Iowa.

All shuttles, rental car, and driving logistics gods have conspired to see to it that tonight, Arthur and I are enjoying beautiful (if steamy) Annapolis and looking forward to a wonderful family wedding tomorrow.

Annie meanwhile has found Big Red and the very camper that Arthur left at the crack of dawn.

Before he left Iowa this morning, Arthur reported that RAGBRAI riders and their support vehicles had begun to trickle into Council Bluffs.

Annie will enjoy the pre-ride festivities in Iowa tomorrow while we celebrate our nephew's wedding.

As they say, so far so good.

IMAGE CREDITS: 1- City Taxi logo from Omaha Taxi; 2- 1920 Map of Annapolis from StateMaster Maps; 3- Wild Ride from Council Bluffs RAGBRAI.

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