Friday, July 26, 2013

Rolling into Fairfield

First a bit more about Oskaloosa since the last post.

< < < Christmas Elves in July?

Last night the Merrow Team, all cooled off and showered, biked down into town for the evening festivities and the obligatory food debauch. Last night’s dinner, stir fried veggies and home-made peanut butter cups. (I know, I know…a strange combination.) Then we settled onto a bench in the handsome town square to listen to a concert of marches provided by the Oskaloosa Concert Band. They are justifiably proud of their handsome antique bandstand.

We turned in early, but were awakened about midnight by the sound of heavy rain on the roof. This set off a flurry of hatch closing, and reminded us once again of the advantages of Rig Red’s solid roof over the sea of tent tops outside our door.

My riders rolled out smartly this morning at 6:45 headed east.

Today’s mid-day stop was in the tiny, somewhat forlorn town of Hedrick. Its once proud past could be seen in the few handsome brick facades on the main street, but except for one chiropractic clinic and a bar, most storefronts were empty. The good folks of Hedrick pulled out all the stops for a great mid-day lunch break, complete with food concessionaires selling everything from pulled pork to fried alligator.

Cyclists obliged by sprawling under shade trees in the town park and chowing down. Thanks to consistently good cell service, my riders found me with no trouble and settled on barbequed chopped chicken and cold sodas before heading east once again.

Big Red and I made our way back to the highway and rolled into Fairfield without incident. I have come to rest in the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, where, having convinced the check-in people that we are quiet (no generator) and peaceable (early to bed, early to rise), I nabbed another prime spot among the stodgier campers.

Soon Arthur and Annie will roll in (they've just texted that they stopped for ice cream a few miles out).

Once cleaned up and refreshed, we will hop a shuttle to downtown Fairfield to sample the evening’s festivities on this the last night before the finish line in Fort Madison tomorrow. More in the next post about these adventures.

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