Sunday, July 28, 2013

Hob Nobbing with the Big Boys

Arthur and I have now managed to pilot Big Red across the Mississippi and up onto Route 80.

We have come to rest for the first night of the eastward trek in a Flying J truck stop at exit 77 in the middle of Illinois (where, disappointingly, we could not get any wifi signal)

I had to wait until we were rolling east on Interstate Route 80, 50 miles west of Chicago. I'm posted this from Big Red, barreling down the Interstate ~and don't worry, Art is driving at this point.

Our homeward journey will include a visit in Pennsylvania with an old friend I haven’t seen in 40 years. She happens to run a bed and breakfast in a handsome Victorian house, and I’ll report on this and other homeward bound adventures before we roll into Connecticut.

I want t to once again thank my faithful editor, Will Brady, for all his wonderful blog support [Awww, shucks! Twern't nothin' too much. Besides, it was fun!]. He has made this journaling effort a joy and the pictures sing and dance!

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