Saturday, July 21, 2012


It is hard to describe what 15,000 cyclists look like in a town about the size of Moodus [Our home town's census is slightly more than half the size of the number of participants]. There are tents pitched everywhere, huge fields full of RVs, and cyclists buzzing in and out of traffic like bees. A fairground has been turned into a festival, with bike gear and food venders...and the ever-present beer tent.

If it weren’t for the fact that everyone is so darn friendly and helpful, it would feel like only marginally controlled chaos. The Baptist Church spaghetti dinner has a 50 foot line out the door, and the cell phone coverage has been completely over whelmed….no texts or calls going out and no 3G. (I am poaching this little bit of wifi from a generous vender, but pictures will take more time.)

We are told that, when this mass of riders spreads out, as it inevitably will, that things will return to moderate chaos.

Since I have not been able to upload any pictures of my own, I have borrowed one saved from another website from a prior year.

So far, we have met a woman who rides with her schnauzer in a rumble seat, a man who not so long ago had a coronary bypass, and a lad who, as evidenced by the road rash on his cheek, skidded across an intersection last night on his face while cycling with too many beers under his belt. Even he was cheerful.

Annie should be rolling in very soon after an 11 hour drive from Fort Collins, and we must guide her through the chaos to her camper bed without benefit of cell phone.

Tomorrow at about 6 AM, she and Arthur will roll south east, and Big Red and I will follow at a safe distance…actually on an almost entirely separate route. I attended a meeting especially for drivers today, and there were easily a thousand drivers. The gentleman who spoke was not quite as intelligible as the announcer on the New Your City subway. The most important thing, I’m told is that cyclists follow orange arrows, drivers follow green arrows, and once during the day we can meet up if the drivers follow the pink arrow detours!

Tomorrow will be a great adventure!

PICTURE SOURCE: D J Ryan, who posted it on the website of the dIowa's 4th District Democrats

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