Thursday, June 21, 2012

What this blog is about

Hello everybody. In July, Art, Annie and I are headed off to Iowa to participate in the RAGBRAI Bike Tour.

What's that, you ask? The Des Moines Register’s Annual Great Bicycle Ride Across Iowa, is a seven-day bicycle ride across the state.  Heading into its 40th year, RAGBRAI is the oldest, largest and longest bicycle touring event in the world.

Des Moines Register Media has been the title sponsor of RAGBRAI since 1973.

Art and Annie will be bicycling across the state. I will follow the route in a camper, and meet them each evening for their rest and refreshment. I'll also be doing the laundry, provide back-up support, make supper, and so on.

While they are off pedaling across the state I'll get to look at local landmarks, or just find out interesting things about parts of Iowa I never knew and may share with you, dear reader,  while we follow along the trail the the Register has set up for us - and 10,000 other participants.

I invite you to follow our journey at this blogspot site. You can also send an e-mail to us while we are on the trip at

That's all for now, Sue

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